Telebox APP FAQ

TeleBox Cloud Storage and File Sharing App offers users a secure platform for storing and sharing files seamlessly within the TeleBox messaging application. Here are some commonly asked questions about this feature:

What is TeleBox Cloud Storage and File Sharing App?

TeleBox Cloud Storage and File Sharing App is a feature within the TeleBox messaging application that allows users to securely store files and share them with contacts or groups.

How much storage space do users get with TeleBox Cloud Storage?

TeleBox provides users with X GB of free cloud storage space for storing their files securely.

Can I access my files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage from different devices?

Yes, you can access your files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage from any device where you have logged in to your TeleBox account.

Are the files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage encrypted?

Yes, all files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage are encrypted to ensure the privacy and security of your data.

Can I share files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage with my contacts?

Yes, you can easily share files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage with your contacts or groups by simply selecting the file and choosing the share option.

Is there a limit to the size of files I can upload to TeleBox Cloud Storage?

TeleBox allows users to upload files of up to X MB in size to the Cloud Storage.

How long are files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage?

Files stored in TeleBox Cloud Storage are retained indefinitely unless manually deleted by the user.

Can I organize my files in TeleBox Cloud Storage into folders?

Yes, TeleBox Cloud Storage allows users to create folders and organize their files efficiently.

Is TeleBox Cloud Storage integrated with TeleBox messaging features?

Yes, TeleBox Cloud Storage seamlessly integrates with TeleBox messaging features, allowing users to share files directly from the cloud storage within the messaging app.

How can I manage my files in TeleBox Cloud Storage?

Users can manage their files in TeleBox Cloud Storage through the TeleBox app by accessing the "Cloud Storage" section, where they can upload, download, delete, or organize their files as needed.